This started at least a year ago, with more added in May. (first photo) I thought I was finished 2 weeks ago and got a good picture then. (second photo) As it sat around waiting for its frame, my satisfaction waned...it needed something more. And, I had written in several phrases from Sara Bareilles' song,
Brave. Awesome song...cool inspiration...but inappropriate for me to be using. It made me antsy about copyright issues. So, today I added paint and papers to obliterate some of the words...which led to more paint, more paper. It is now much improved with more layers of interest.

Once again, I forgot to get a final photo before I finished framing, so please excuse a few reflections in the last photo.
I should dedicate this piece to my 92 year-old-father-in-law, as he has been trying hard to be brave in the extended recovery time after knee-replacement surgery. Not sure whether the pain or just being in the nursing home requires more bravery. Last night I helped him through the pain until time for more drugs by having him recall his most memorable hunting trip. He was able to fill half an hour with details of a big elk he got in Colorado in the 1950s! He has a couple more weeks with skilled care, but he's making great progress.
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