My daughter is starting a nanny job and called to ask how I worded the question that always annoyed her to pieces every day when she came home from school. "What was the best part of your day?" It works because I always require an answer...not, "I don't know", or "nothing". Even on a terrible day, there is always one thing better than something else and for which we can be grateful, even though the scale may be low. Their answers provide insight that helps my relationship with my children. It's good to know that she values that attitude after so many years of frustration. It's also good to ask myself this question for a check on my own attitude of gratitude.

Last night's Oscars show was the best part of my Sunday. I loved sharing it with my son, and a major part of the world! It's fun joining in the comeraderie of the acting community, laughing with 94-year-old Kirk Douglas presenting Best Supporting Actress, rooting for the movies we've seen, hearing great music (we loved the closing medly). I adore the dresses. One of my favorites was Cate Blanchett's architectural creation from Givenchy by Riccardo Tisci. The Washington Post put her in the worst dressed category. The Today Show said that men hated it and women loved this dress. I thought it was extremely creative design, although not terribly flattering...and I would not have included the strange yellow at the shoulders! But, I can see it inspiring some paintings.... The colors of the stage set and lighting were amazing...lots of quinacridone gold! I loved Christian Bale saying, “[Thanks to] my wonderful wife and our little girl, who’s taught me so much more than I’ll ever be able to teach her.” Isn't that the essence of what it means to be a parent?

It's sort of the same with teaching art classes. My students teach me so much more than I'll ever be able to teach them. They make me want to be a better artist, a better person, and to be more purposeful in using the time in my days. Last week we created some 4 x 6 inch "postcard" collages inspired by the
National Collage Society postcard contest held every year. Small, quick, and inexpensive, it's a great format that lowers the intimidation level, making it easy to get started. Here is one of my students' results...all the beading is reminiscent of Cate's dress! More student work will be posted soon.
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