Art History 311: A Greek Odyssey. says an odyssey is "
a long series of wanderings or adventures, esp. when filled with notable experiences, hardships, etc." So, we have the study abroad opportunity for the middle child. Before it even began, the notables appeared with last week's riots in Athens over economic austerity measures imposed by the European Union in a bailout of the failing Greek economy. We didn't feel good about sending her alone, stand-by, to a I went along! It was only long enough to get her there, wander the Plaka, eat a meal, sleep and come home. But I feel so much better about the situation having eased her through the subway tricks, worked with the exchange rates, and seen the facilities. The riots were over-blown by 24-hour-news networks, but the country is still very unsettled and BBC news today notes a bomb explosion in the city.

I'm praying the biggest hardship of her trip is our financial sacrifice and her forced budgeting while she is there. It is an amazing place for understanding civilization, history, ancient art, and one's self. Blessings to the UNL study tour! On our way to Greece, we ran into a friend from when we lived in Germany--was that really 24 years ago? Great to see you, Rocky! "Hi" to Janet and the family. Fly safe.
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