Wow, November just got away from me, and now it's time for Christmas! We enjoyed a big showchoir festival in Scottsbluff, and a trip to Lincoln to watch our son in the All-State Chorus. It was dad's day at the sorority, so we also got to a UNL basketball game and the UNL v. KSU football game (which means I went shopping!) I was subbing at the school a lot, and then hosted my family here for Thanksgiving. The school's one-act play (
Something's Rotten in the State of Denmark--a spoof on Hamlet) took first place at the conference competition, and will go to District's this week. Oh yea, and the family has been hunting a lot. They got three deer in the first hour of the season. Corn harvest is late due to early snows, so the pheasants are just now being forced out. It's busy here.

My big art news for the last month is the painting class I've started for Cancer Survivors. We are meeting once a week (Thursdays at 10:00am). The hospital foundation has generously purchased supplies for us on a six month trial basis. I've had 3 students so far, and others are welcome whenever they can make it. Caregivers are also welcome as long as space is available. We are starting with an old standard for me: JoSonja Jansen's Slavic Round Design on papier mache boxes. Later, we may try watercolor or collage, but I've found that this project gives a great introduction to the acrylic medium and forces brush control, because of the amount of strokework, which also creates a very showy piece. And, there is so much there that people can't see any mistakes!
I also sold a painting and 5 doodleboxes this week. I'm working on a new website...up before Christmas! Trying to meet at least most of those goals I set last year. Have you been thinking about new goals for 2010? It's time! Happy December everyone!
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