It's hard to justify time and money spent on something you love. It feels selfish, especially when you come from the motherly viewpoint of taking care of everyone else, as well as the little or no income position in the family. But, with the goal of becoming a "real" selling and producing artist, part of the journey must include "professional development" opportunities. At least identifying art workshops with that lofty heading, justifies the time and money!
After several plan changes involving school musical and football games rescheduled due to October snow storms and swine flu, family catching the bug, and auto repair delays, I was able to make it to a creativity and collage workshop with
Nita Leland. It was organized and hosted last week by the Beatrice Art Guild.

Completion of a new sunflower painting (shown here), progress on a couple of other works, and journaling with creative prompts adds up to important professional development. Nita is a great colorist, with insight to the world of paint manufacturing and color wheel selection. However, the best part of this class for me was the chance to be with other painters and friends. They inspire me to persevere. My friends,
Sandy Meyer and
Susan Hart were there, as well as two artists from Columbus, Nebraska who remembered me from an art study tour in Chicago 12 years ago! Most of these ladies had been to other ANAC (Association of Nebraska Art Clubs) workshops at Halsey. We were a creative, supportive, and extremely talented group of Nebraska artists. Our capabilities surprised our eminent teacher!
Since Beatrice is 5 hours east of here, I took the opportunity to visit a high school classmate (thanks Connie!) as well as my girls in that end of the state...a little wedding stuff exploring with my wedding blogger, necessity shopping with my college student, art supply shopping, and of course...great eating. So now I am renewed, professionally developed??, and busy organizing my studio (Nita re-encouraged this, as does every success forum ever known!), planning a painting therapy class, framing art and headed to Guild meeting. Blessed renewal.