Yesterday was stressful for lots of people. The stock markets were at their lowest in several years. To escape the gloom and doom around our house, I went to my studio to paint. This postcard collage was started a couple months ago and had failed to find a direction. The antique coin (a gel transfer from a magazine advertisement), the yellow stamping on the left, the green on the right, the cruciform dark lines were there, and I suddenly knew the next step was to include a historical line graph of the Dow Jones Industrial Average!
I printed one from the internet onto tracing paper. But when I tried to apply it, the ink smeared. So, the next one I put on upside down and backwards! Alphabet stickers spelled out the news of the day..."up, down, DJIA" (with the D and J also upside down and backwards). Today, the graph was enhanced with acrylic paint along the highs and lows, the lettering softened with some rice papers, stenciled circles and some extra yellow put on with markers. Market Volatility will be shown in the postcard collection at the Meadowlark Gallery during the month of September.
Create and Thrive Audio Summit
1 year ago