Thursday, August 20, 2009

Bridal Blog, Surfing, 21 Excuses, Storying

Challenge: I'll post if you post!

I'm feeling uninspired and inadequate as I try to keep up with my daughter's witty blogging and the need for making art. So many distractions, so many excuses:

1.on vacation (photo of me and daughter number two during surf lessons on Carpenteria Beach, California)
2.getting daughter number two to college, sorority rush, research professors, check tuition costs (yikes!), buy books, meet roommates
3.son's first day of school, football, computer fees, installing car stereo, listening to his favorite music, rearranging schedules
4."studio" too messy to paint
5.altering bridal blogger's bridesmaid attire--must be done now to be mailed in time for friend's wedding ( needs me (will pay!) to do reading mastery testing
7.cousin dying of cancer--can't stop thinking of her
8.managing family health needs and prescriptions too cold or too windy
10.want to finish framing stuff before starting something new
11.piles of laundry
12.blogs to read
13.facebook to catch up on not working--desperately backing up files
15.county fair swallowed time, left stuff all over house (but allowed cousin's daughter and friend to visit for Little Big Town concert.)
16.bills to pay
17.reading(Pillars of the Earth, Fountainhead, Whatever it Takes)
18.need a nap!!!
19.what's for supper? cupboards
21.walking dog

Blogging daughter reminded me that sometimes the blog can be about life -- how it happens and sometimes gets in the way of what you think is your purpose. It's all a part of the story. And STORY, in the end, is what it's all about. She also said, "People buy art anywhere. The only reason they'd buy yours is because it's great, or because it has a story. People buy art because of the art or the artist." (I think her tuition was well worth it and the journalism school bias is quite transparent!) So, I'm thinking of writing down all the thoughts and processes that go along with each of my paintings...sort of like the quilt story histories that have been encouraged for quilters...also reminds me of the folk art store I visited in Summerland, CA (Just Folk) where all the art is made more interesting by artist biographies posted throughout the store. This is sort of paradoxical, as folk art is defined by the fact that it is historically by untrained and anonymous artists! Seems that history academicians have changed not only attitudes, and values of quilts and other folk art, but created a blurring of definitions!

This blog is part of the storying that goes with my art. It makes a difference, and gives my art meaning. (However justified, writing about my paintings and posting to my blog only create more distractions from actually making art!)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Surfing and Gallery Show

Just returned from a short trip to Santa Barbara, where daughter number two and I surfed...yes, these landlocked Nebraskans actually stood up on surf boards in the Pacific Ocean! (Thanks to Eric at A Frame Surf Shop.) It was a great visit with my cousin, his son, and nephew. We had fabulous food, new haircuts (Patricia Noel Studios in Summerland), cultural surprises (Native American funeral ceremony), pictures at the gates to Neverland, abelskiver and antiques in Solvang, El Presidente of Fiesta on our plane, a hike on the San Ysidro Trail. All this may inspire some art...just need time to study my photos and journal...maybe after school starts!

Daughter number one has jumped into the blogging world ( ) She's a great writer--enjoy.

The Art Society of Ogallala will be featured at the Meadowlark Gallery in Grant, NE during the month of August. I am a member of the Ogallala group and six of my paintings (including High Plains Aerial #2 shown above) are in the exhibit which is open Fridays and Saturdays 6-8pm.

Checking my Google Analytics today, I found several visits to my blog from Brazil! If you're still around, welcome, hello, glad to have you!