>Last week I was in Lincoln, Nebraska for the state FFA convention. All three kids were involved. I sponsored the local chapter, and was so proud. During a break in activities, number one daughter and I spent about half an hour at the
Sheldon Art Museum on the University of Nebraska campus. I don't usually get very excited over photography displays, but part of the current exhibit,
Evolving Eden: Three Photographic Perspectives, has stuck in my mind...partly because of the insightful commentary inherent in the photos, and I'm sure in part due to the appreciative response from my daughter, who's journalism degree gives her some expertise in the medium. The installation by Hans Eijkelboom, a Dutch photographer, is titled
Paris-NewYork-Shanghai. It includes large-format cityscapes with the identifying quirks of each city and snapshot-style grids of their inhabitants to reveal how similar one city is to another today. It is a satirical commentary about the globalization of our interests, habits, fashions, and problems. The exhibit has been seen in Aperture Gallery in New York, and is available in book form. Check it out!